Pazhutharakolli (Homalocladium Platycladum)

Sold by: zadmin


The Ribbon Bush (Homalocladium platycladum) is an odd member of the rhubarb and buckwheat family.  What you see are the stems.  The plant does make small leaves, but they only appear occasionally on the new growth.  The segmented stems are perfectly flat, and are smooth and durable.  They branch out and weave their way up eerily, forming a tall, bushy mass of ribbons.  The plant gets 10 feet tall here in San Francisco, although you may prune it to any size that you want.  Once it reaches 4 or 5 feet tall, it tends to flop over unless you stake it upright.  But the stems continue to grow upward regardless, giving it an artsy, eccentric look!  In bright light, the plant produces white flowers and attractive red fruit.Homalocladium platycladum


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Family : Polygonaceae

Useful Plant : Leaves (ഇല)

Uses : വിഷബാധക്ക്


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