Koova (Maranta Arundinacea)

Sold by: zadmin


Maranta arundinacea, also known as arrowroot, maranta, West Indian arrowroot, obedience plantBermuda arrowrootararuararutaararao or hulankeeriya, is a large, perennial herb found in rainforest habitats. Arrowroot flour is now produced commercially mostly in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Arrowroot was one of the earliest plants to be domesticated for food in northern South America, with evidence of exploitation or cultivation of the plant dating back to 8200 BC.


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Family : Marantaceae

Useful Plant : Potato (കിഴങ്ങ്)

Use : Used for vomitting, loose motion etc..  (ഛർദി, വയറിളക്കം പോലുള്ള രോഗങ്ങൾക്ക്)


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